Sessions are needed now more than ever due to all the extra demands and stress. We've all had a rough start in 2020, and on into 2022!
Worried about Covid-19? We were, too, so we've focused on additional sanitation steps during in-office sessions. We're : 1. providing masks, hand sanitizer and removable covers over the recliners 2. asking you to remove your shoes or use our disposable shoe covers 3. scheduling extra time between clients to thoroughly sanitize touch-points and replace slipcovers
PLEASE NOTE: Some of our safety measures are to kindly remove your shoes in our reception area or use our disposible shoe covers. If you did not bring a mask, I have disposable ones available. I thoroughly disinfect all areas of contact between clients, and schedule extra time between clients so only one is in the office at a time. After your session begins, I will leave the room, you may remove your mask during your session and totally relax!!! (By the way, most of my clients enjoy removing their shoes anyway as they are reclining – this started way before COVID19).